What is happening with my water bill?
Answer: July 1st marked the first rate increase of $15/month for water base rate. This is necessary to allow the City to secure grant and loan funding for the upcoming water improvement process.
Why are improvements necessary?
Answer: Since 2005 the City has been deemed deficient by Idaho DEQ in regards to fire suppression and DEQ would not be put off any longer without substantial fines. The project has to be done and the Mayor and Council have worked to obtain grant funding for nearly two-thirds project. This means water rates will only need to eventually rise $30/month instead of the of the projected $118/month originally.
What else should I be aware of?
Answer: This is the 1st tier of a 2 tiered rate increase. January 1st, 2025 will see the second increase of $15/month for a total of $63/month.
When was this decided?